Sunday 10 February 2013




1. 1912.
2. Many of the wealthy and influential / emigrants.
3. 120,000,000 pounds.
4. Stiff, very formal, there was no “get-together” feeling.
5. Honoured.
6. They were not allowed to get about any  part of the ship . except the ones assigned to them
7. With furniture in various periods and styles.
8. three rings on the bell.
9. In one of the first class cabins.
10. She locked every window, every trunk in her three staterooms, and took the 19 keys with her.
11. Velvert evening slippers, a wool cap, two fox furs, no underwear, no stockings, a broad tail coat, diamond buckles.
12. No, it wasn’t.
13. Because he had to row one of the lifeboats.
14. Because they didn’t know one another, so they couldn’t get in conversation.
15. 2206.
16. 703.

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